Let’s talk about a simple solution to balance your body’s overall health Dr Carey A. Reams, biophysicist and biochemist, found that the human body requires 84 of the basic elements (out of the 106 elements) to maintain good health. A small percentage of these elements are received directly from the […]

Most of us may take supplements in hopes that they will help us live happier, more fruitful lives. The problem is that we cannot fully benefit from vitamins, minerals and other supplements if we cannot properly absorb them. Through clinical studies, Aloe has been proven to enhance the absorption and […]
Aloe Vera – The Bridge Between Supplements and Better Health
It’s no secret, Health is our real wealth! Aloe Vera juices and minerals are some of natures best defenses against depressed and run down immune systems. Our Simply Aloe and AloeMin juices have over 13,000 mgs of Polysaccharides per bottle. With a strengthened immune system and a whole body anti-inflammatory, […]
Happy and Healthy New Year!
Hi, my name is Shu. I have a good reputation in our country teaching Tai Chi and QiGong for over 10 years. What do you suggest for daily dose? I have suggested this product to people who have infections and problems with digestion. Please tell me, what other illness can […]
Dr. Ivan E. Danhof – A recommendation for health maintenance
The Aloe leaf has polysaccharide in the parenchymal cells which is used by the plant for energy. Mucilage is a different storage form. All polysaccharides are not the same. When mucilage is placed over a wound, the wound remains moist and does not drop as does dry wounds. Epidermal and […]